







  【語(yǔ)法】 考生應(yīng)掌握基本的英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法知識(shí),并能在聽、說(shuō)、讀、寫、譯中較正確地加以運(yùn)用。

  【詞匯】 考生應(yīng)認(rèn)知3 000個(gè)單詞,并熟練掌握其中的1 800個(gè)單詞及其基本的搭配。

  【聽力】 考生應(yīng)能基本聽懂日常生活以及社會(huì)生活中的一般性談話,平均語(yǔ)速為每分鐘110個(gè)單詞。考生應(yīng)能:





  【閱讀】 考生應(yīng)能讀懂與日常生活和社會(huì)生活相關(guān)的不同類型的文字材料,閱 讀速度為每分鐘50個(gè)單詞??忌鷳?yīng)能:





  【寫作】 考生應(yīng)能在30分鐘內(nèi)寫出長(zhǎng)度不少于80詞的常見應(yīng)用文及一般的敘述文 、說(shuō)明文和議論文??忌鷳?yīng)能:













  總 分































































  總 計(jì)









  Part I. Listening Comprehension(20 points)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section you will hear ten short conversations、At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said、Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice、After each conversation, there will be a pause、During the pause, you should read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide on the best answer、Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  1、A、At the bank、 B、At the stationer’s、

  C、In a theater、 D、In a department store、

  2、A、She is easy-going、

  B、She is hard on her students.

  C、She looks mean, but deep down she is kind、

  D、She is an ill-tempered person、

  3、A、He is nervous about giving lectures、

  B、He lectures to a group of humorous people.

  C、He gives amusing lectures.

  D、He is not serious with his lectures.


  Section B

  Directions: In this section you will hear a conversation、The conversation will be spoken twice、There are five questions about the conversation、For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C and D、Decide on the best answer and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  11、How many new stadiums will be built in Beijing

  A、70、 B、17、 C、7、 D、71.

  12、When will they start to build the first one

  A、This year、 B、Next month、 C、This month、 D、Next year.

  13、What are they doing about the subway system

  A、They are extending the subway system into the suburbs.

  B、They are rebuilding the subway system、

  C、They are changing the subway system、

  D、They are using buses instead.

  14、Where are they getting the money from

  A、From the local government.

  B、From foreign visitors.

  C、Mostly from foreign investors.

  D、From the local people.

  15、How much money will be needed for the work

  A、 1.65 billion、 B、 1.65 million.

  C、 65 million、 D、 6 billion.

  Section C

  Directions: In this section you will hear a passage、The passage will be read twice、There are five questions about the passage、For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C and D、Decide on the best answer and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  16、What happened to Fred one day

  A、He lost his fighting spirit、

  B、He didn’t have the spirit to triumph over a crisis.

  C、He lost his spirits when talking to his boss.

  D、He was in a bad mood.

  17、What did Fred decide to do when he was to meet his boss

  A、To put on his best clothes、

  B、To play an unsuccessful part.

  C、To put on a happy appearance、

  D、To put on an air of innocence.

  18、What principle of psychological research did Fred happen to find

  A、Avoid people when you feel depressed.

  B、Acting a part can help change the way you feel、

  C、Be self-assured when nothing goes wrong、

  D、Smiling helps reduce anxiety or fear.

  19、In the passage we hear “Look your best to increase your self-confidence”, what does the phrase “l(fā)ook your best” mean

  A、Put on your best clothes.

  B、Be in the highest spirits.

  C、Be watchful and careful.

  D、Try your best to be calm.

  20、How can you put the principle of psychological research to work in your own life

  A、You should smile to cheer yourself up.

  B、You should relax to reduce anxiety or fear.

  C、You should keep cool and increase your self-confidence in a crisis.

  D、All of the above.

  Part II. Use of English(10 points)

  Directions: In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogues、For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D、Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue、Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  21、― Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now

  ― ______________.

  A、Sorry, he is busy at the moment B、No, you can’t

  C、Sorry, you can’t D、I don’t know

  22、― Do you think I could borrow your dictionary

  ― __________________.

  A、Yes, you may borrow B、Yes, go on

  C、Yes, help yourself D、It doesn’t matter



  Part III. Reading Comprehension (30 points)

  Directions: There are three passages in this part、Each passage is followed by five questions、For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C and D、You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  Passage 1

  Is teaching important Well, of course it is、There was a time when the necessary knowledge could be taught to the young by family members、But as societies became more complex and division of labor more common, it was impossible for family members to teach the information and skills young people needed to become useful members of the society、As the need for specialists appeared, the job of teaching came into being in our country, and teaching as a job has been of increasing importance over the past one hundred years、Today, we have strict rules for teachers、We hope all children can go to school、Many things tell us that teaching is indeed an “important” job.

  In recent years, there has been an increasing need for teachers to be “responsible”、This means that the public expects teachers to succeed in teaching important information to the young、Teachers’ salaries today, while not much, certainly are much higher than they were in the past、These increases have come about because people have realized that without enough salaries, people who have abilities will not become teachers、Today almost no one says that “anybody will do” for a teacher、The public expects “quality people” to teach the young, and progress is being made to give salaries that will make people who have abilities become teachers.

  31、Before the job of teaching came into being _____、

   A、family members had been responsible for the education of the young

   B、specialists had been in charge of teaching young people

   C、young people had to be self-educated

   D、the society had played an important role in educating young people

  32、The job of teaching came into being mainly because of ____.

   A、the development of the society

   B、the explosion of information

   C、the need for engineers

   D、the civilization of human beings

  33、Teachers’ salaries are raised today in order to _____.

   A、show the importance of teaching as a job

   B、attract more qualified people to become teachers

   C、make teachers “responsible” in their teaching

   D、improve the quality of public teaching

  34、“Anybody will do” for a teacher (in paragraph 2) means that______.

   A、almost all people want to become teachers

   B、a teacher is so highly respected that people all want to help him

   C、a teacher will do whatever he can for his students

   D、the job of teaching is so easy that everybody can do it

  35、The main idea of the passage is that ______.

   A、greater progress has to be made in teaching

   B、enough salaries are necessary in making “quality people” become teachers

   C、it is important to be successful in teaching the young

  D、teaching is a product of the society’s division of labor

  Passage 2






  Passage 3








  Part IV. Vocabulary and Structure (25 points)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section there are 15 incomplete sentences、For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D、Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence、Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  46、She gave John a present, but John gave her nothing ______.

   A、in return B、in turn

   C、in advance D、in vain

  47、The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not _______ the time、

   A、offer B、leave

   C、afford D、manage

  48、After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusion that the man was _______ of murder、

   A、criminal B、charged

   C、faulty D、guilty

  49、Last year ____ of new books were published on environmental protection、

   A、the hundred B、hundreds

   C、a hundred D、one hundred

  50、The grass______ many animals live is abundant here.

   A、by which B、with which

   C、on which D、of which



  Section B

  Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage、For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D、You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage、Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

  Television broadcasts are limited to an area that is within the 61 of the sending station or its relay、 62 television relays are often placed on hills and mountains so that they can 63 a wider region, they still can not cover as much as people expect.

  However, the rays also go out into the atmosphere、 64 there is a relay station on a satellite that revolves around the earth, it can send the pictures to any point on the earth from which the satellite can be 65 、Three satellites periodically turning around over the equator will send 66 television program to any part of the earth、This makes it possible for world 67 of newspapers to give the news in all countries at the same time、Someday it may be possible for a subscriber to a televised newspaper to press a button and see a newspaper page 68 his television screen、He could also decide when he wants the page 69 、Moreover, by dialing different numbers such as 70 on a telephone dial, he could choose the language or the edition of the paper he wants to read.

  61、A、range B、view C、miles D、distance

  62、A、Even B、Although C、Unless D、Whenever

  63、A、cover B、spread C、help D、pass

  64、A、Then B、Therefore C、So D、If

  65、A、watched B、seen C、spotted D、protected

  66、A、one B、all C、some D、any

  67、A、population B、editions C、articles D、reports

  68、A、at B、in C、on D、by

  69、A、turn B、to turn C、turning D、to be turned

  70、A、what B、these C、those D、ones

  Part V. Writing (15 points)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to contact one of your former classmates、You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below:





  Part I. Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  1、W: I’d like to cash a check、

   M: Sure、Don’t you have an account here

   Question: Where does this conversation most probable take place

  2、W: I’m always nervous when I’m around the teacher、

   M: Me, too、I believe she is strict with us.

   Question: How do the students think of their teacher

  3、W: Professor Philips seems serious.

   M: But his lectures are quite humorous, aren’t they

  Question: What does the man think about Professor Philips

  1.A 2.B 3.C

  Section B

  A: So, they are holding the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

  B: Yes, I read about it yesterday、I read that they are building 17 new stadiums ―they are starting the first one next year and they are extending the subway system into the suburbs、The dates for the work are already fixed.

  A: Interesting! What else did you read

  B: They are going to build new motorways, but they haven’t announced when yet、They are going to change Beijing a lot from when we were there.

  A: Where are they getting the money from

  B: Foreign investors, mainly、They are opening the bidding for most of the contracts next month.

  A: How much will they need

  B: I read yesterday it will cost 1.65 billion.

  A: But I suppose it will create a lot of new jobs.

  11、B 12、D 13、A 14、C 15、A

  Section C

  Fred was in low spirits one day、He usually dealt with this state of mind by avoiding people until the mood passed、But on this day Fred had an important meeting with his boss, so he decided to put on a happy look、During the meeting Fred smiled, joked and played the part of a happy, good-natured person、To his surprise, he soon discovered he was no longer depressed.

  Without realizing it, Fred happened to find an important new principle of psychological research: Acting a part can help us feel more self-confident and cheerful when things go wrong.

  How can you put this principle to work in your own life There’s more involved than a few simple expressions、You have to be systematic about it、The following is what you should follow.

  Smile to cheer yourself up.

  Relax to reduce anxiety or fear.

  Look your best to increase your self-confidence.

  Keep cool in a crisis.

  Using our bodies and actions to change our ways of feeling can be a useful tool in helping us through life’s difficult times、

  16、D 17、C 18、B 19、B 20、D

  Part II. Use of English

  21、A 22、C

  Part III. Reading Comprehension

  31、A 32、A 33、B 34、D 35、C

  Part IV. Vocabulary and Structure

  Section A

  46、A 47、C、 48、D 49、B 50、C

  Section B

  61、A 62、B 63、A 64、D 65、B 66、D 67、D 68、C 69、D 70、C

  Part V. Writing


  Answer Sheet

  Part I. Listening Comprehension (20 points, one point each)

  1、A B C D 2、A B C D 3、A B C D 4、A B C D

  5、A B C D 6、A B C D 7、A B C D 8、A B C D

  9、A B C D 10、A B C D 11、A B C D 12、A B C D

  13、A B C D 14、A B C D 15、A B C D 16、A B C D

  17、A B C D 18、A B C D 19、A B C D 20、A B C D

  Part II. Use of English(10 points, one point each)

  21、A B C D 22、A B C D 23、A B C D 24、A B C D

  25、A B C D 26、A B C D 27、A B C D 28、A B C D

  29、A B C D 30、A B C D

  Part III. Reading Comprehension(30 points, two points each)

  31、A B C D 32、A B C D 33、A B C D 34、A B C D

  35、A B C D 36、A B C D 37、A B C D 38、A B C D

  39、A B C D 40、A B C D 41、A B C D 42、A B C D

  43、A B C D 44、A B C D 45、A B C D

  Part IV. Vocabulary and Structure (25 points, one point each)

  46、A B C D 47、A B C D 48、A B C D 49、A B C D

  50、A B C D 51、A B C D 52、A B C D 53、A B C D

  54、A B C D 55、A B C D 56、A B C D 57、A B C D

  58、A B C D 59、A B C D 60、A B C D 61、A B C D

  62、A B C D 63、A B C D 64、A B C D 65、A B C D

  66、A B C D 67、A B C D 68、A B C D 69、A B C D

  70、A B C D

  Part V. Writing (15 points)